Monday, July 7, 2008

Rip Roaring Good Times

Our company left this morning. Jaiden's two years old and a joy to be around. We love her mom and dad, too. But it will be nice to get back to our "old" comfortable selves. They'll be back for Thanksgiving, but probably won't stay with us. Jenny's mom and dad live here, so we have to share.

Chances are pretty good that we'll have Thanksgiving at our house again. We did it a few years ago and hosted 27 people--eighteen adults, three toddlers (Reid had repaint some spots on the walls after it was all over) and 6 other kids (the oldest was eight). That year, right after I suggested we have it at our house, Reid said, "All right, and when your fever goes down we'll talk about it again."

Although it was a great day and everyone enjoyed it, we decided that would be the last time. But here we are, making plans 4 months ahead to do it again.

Holidays are definitely for families. When I was widowed, I spent many a holiday alone. No time is lonlier than a day when you see many cars in front of a neighbor's house, knowing what's going on inside. I tried to not let it bother me, but after marrying Reid and spending holidays with his big family, I can look back and experience the sadness I felt then when I was alone.

In the past we always included other people in our holiday dinners. Some of the 27 that were here a couple of years ago would have been alone if we hadn't invited them to share in our day. This year there may be more of us than there were in 2005 because we have two extra kids born since then. Everyone brings food. Everyone helps clean up, and when all is said and done, we are exhausted but we've had a rip-roaring good time!

Kind of like we feel today.

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