Sunday, May 24, 2009

Mountains of Love

I look out the windows from the back of my house and see 10,000 foot high Sandia Peak. The Sandias snake around from north to east. To our south are Four Hills. With the exception of our west, we are guarded by mountains. Even farther to the west over 65 miles away is Mount Taylor. On the other side of the mountains to the east the weather is quite different. When it's cool here, it is cold there. When we get a sprinkling of snow flakes and light breeze here, they have strong winds and snowdrifts. The Sandias protect us from the inclement weather.

The thought came to me yesterday how much like God these mountains are. They are immovable, solid and faithful. Whatever is on the other side can't get to us on this side--as long as we stay here. An Ephesians 3:18 scripture came to mind. Paul prays for the Ephesians may comprehend with all the saints (us) what is the width and length and depth and height of God's love. What does that mean? The width of His grace; the length of His long suffering and mercy; the depth of His forgiveness and the height of His redemption. In other words the width, length, depth and height are without end. There's no stopping place.

Sometimes I feel God isn't as present as I need Him to be. Then I look across the miles to Mount Taylor and know that He is guarding all sides of my life even when I'm not aware of Him.

My mountains remind me of Him every time I look at them. I think it would do us all good to find something in our lives that we see every day as a reminder of God's love.

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