Friday, October 16, 2009

Help! This one is intense. If you're looking for funny, skip reading it.

Wow! I just read David Wilkerson's blog and found myself in every word. So many times in my life I've sat before God without being able to pray. Something was going on inside of me and I had no idea what it was. My wordless cry was "Help me!"

I cried "help me" in the spring of 1971. The tempest was raging. If God hadn't come and answered those unspoken prayers, I don't think I would have survived.

Jesus said he didn't come to bring peace but to bring a sword--a sword that separates us from people who just don't understand. That happened. I had peace but some of the most important people in my life cut me off. The sword!

Today our world--our country--seems to be spinning out of control. I'm sure there are those who disagree with me, but all I can see for our future, if we keep on this track, is destruction. Maybe not physical destruction but destruction of the American way of life. Maybe even the Christian way of life. Books have been written and are being written every day by Christians that the church is changing. No longer will we be meeting in our quiet safe structures on Sunday morning. Somehow we will be outside those walls much like the early church met. Perhaps we will have to meet in secret. I hope not.

In the late 60s and early 70s a huge outpouring of the Holy Spirit roared through the world picking up Catholics, hippies and people from all denominations. Yet there are those who were alive during those years who were oblivious to it. Thank God I was caught up in it! Ahhh, but that sword cut across the lives of the Spirit-filled masses and separated families and congregations.

I long for another outpouring--one event that turns the tide. But is that God's plan? Does he have a plan? Is this the beginning of the end prophesied in the scriptures? Am I ready for the sword?

Too intense for you today? Too intense for me, too. My heart will be crying out to God for His will and His way as I go about my daily life. My heart will be crying out as we meet friends for lunch and a movie. Living continues as does my cry.

The Psalmist cried out to the Lord and said the Lord heard him. Not only did the Lord hear, He delivered. He never changes. As bleak as the future may appear, God is faithful and responds to our cries.

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